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6 Tips for Communicating the Story of Your Engineering Project

Keith Fink
Author : Keith Fink
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  • 6 Tips for Communicating the Story of Your Engineering Project

    As an engineer, sharing the narrative of your project can be an essential part of the job, particularly if you need to communicate it to other team members who might not have your technical nous. Unfortunately, this can prove trickier than many imagine since you will be expected to inform while ensuring everyone's attenuation remains in the room. This post will explore six tips that should help guide you in your presentation without the need for overly complex jargon and in a way that retains attention throughout.

    Use The Right Tools At Your Disposal

    As someone who has dedicated their life to the more technical side of things, you should be relatively adept at using a range of programs such as AutoCAD or Solidworks, etc. Giving a presentation is no different in this regard, and when you use the correct tools, you will find it far more accessible (not to mention enjoyable) to present everything you want to say in a manner that is accessible to everyone in the room. Nowadays, you have loads of options, including programs like an AI presentation maker that can take your input and output, something that even the most skilled middle manager would be proud of! When you understand how to use the options at your disposal, it becomes much easier to craft presentations that allow you to portray complex ideas in a way that is easily digested by those who may not be entirely familiar with the subject matter. Conversely, the right tools will also enable you to communicate your project without limitations to other engineers.

    Set The Scene

    Before you jump into any complicated topic, you need to set the scene that will provide context to your overall presentation. Giving a brief overview of the project without delving into technicalities can help the audience understand what the project is all about. The more accessible your intro is, the better you will engage your listeners, enabling them to understand what you have to say, hopefully resulting in a much better outcome than if you were to jump right into the formalities. Setting the scene might sound like a haughty way to say, "Write an introduction," but it is far more than that. It generates a way to hook your listeners into the program and grab their attention. While nobody is expecting Tony Robbin's levels of charisma and clarity, you need to make an effort to get all eyes on you and the presentation you have carefully crafted.

    Personalize The Process

    Personalization helps your narrative connect with the audience. Discuss the challenges faced, the team's reaction, and how you collectively worked to overcome hurdles. This human element enables the story to resonate with listeners outside your field. In other words, instead of immediately jumping into the main meat of the presentation, take a few minutes to let your audience know who you (or your company) are and why they should listen to you. Not only will this create a better connection between you and everyone else, but it will prove to them that you are someone who is worth dedicating their time to listening to.

    Feed Them The Facts

    As the hot-blooded engineer you are, you will inevitably understand that data is an invaluable part of any engineering story. Clearly presenting key statistics and results substantiates your argument and provides the hard evidence needed to convince stakeholders of the project's value. This is particularly vital if your presentation is intended to drum up support for an ongoing or nascent project in which you need to convince those with the money to invest.

    Untangle Technical Terms For Clarity

    Engineers are often surrounded by a specialized language that can alienate those outside the industry. To make your story understandable:

    • Translate these technical terms into everyday language.
    • Avoid jargon when you can, delegating it to the supplemental materials if necessary. If needed, you can utilize visual aids to make the data simpler to understand.
    • Consider using diagrams, charts, or even videos where they make sense to enhance your communication.

    Visual aids can simplify complex concepts for the uninitiated, making your narrative easier to follow.

    Deliver A Final Recap To Cement The Facts

    End your story with a strong conclusion that brings together all aspects of your presentation. A well-crafted coup de gras can help cement your narrative in the minds of your listeners, leaving them with a clear understanding of what you have achieved with your engineering work. In some ways, this can be more challenging than your introduction, but it is just as vital. Therefore, make sure you dedicate enough time to it and avoid treating it as anything less than a closing statement. This will ensure your listeners remember everything you have just spent that last, however long, reciting.

    Effective presentation skills are crucial for engineers to convey the technical details of their projects to both technical and non-technical audiences. Engineers can deliver a successful presentation that engages and informs their audience by using the right tools, setting the scene, personalizing the process, presenting facts clearly, avoiding jargon, and providing a final recap.

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