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Whole Building Deep Energy Audit

An energy audit is the first step to improve energy efficiency in your building. Our consulting engineers can conduct a detailed inspection of all your building systems, identifying the best opportunities to save energy. We can analyze their financial and environmental impact, and help you choose the optimal combination of upgrades for your building.


Mechanical - HVAC Engineering

Cut Your Energy Bills and Emissions

We can analyze your carbon footprint, and design energy efficiency measures that will cut both your operating costs and emissions.

Compliance with NYC Local Laws

We can improve your building energy grade under Local Law 33 of 2018, while helping you avoid penalties for carbon emissions under Local Law 97 of 2019.

Zero Cost Energy Audit

NY Engineers can offer you a free ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Audit, identifying the most cost-effective building upgrades while unlocking government and utility incentives.

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Benefits of a Whole Building Energy Audit

Energy efficiency measures and onsite generation are some of the best investments available for building owners, with the potential to save thousands of dollars each year. Buildings also lower their emissions when reducing their consumption and switching to cleaner energy sources. In New York City and other places with stringent climate laws, energy upgrades can also help building owners avoid major penalties for emissions.

A professional energy audit should be the first step when you want to improve energy performance in any property, since it gives you an investment roadmap. You will know which measures are effective in your property before assuming a major expense. You can also avoid a “trial and error” approach, where you may end up spending large amounts of capital with little or no results.
The following are some benefits you can expect when getting a professional energy audit from NY Engineers:

1) Major Energy Savings: Our clients can expect to reduce energy costs by around 30% after implementing the building upgrades proposed by our consulting engineers. The specific results can vary, depending on the unique conditions of your building, but you can expect to save around one-third of your energy bills.

2) Qualify for Financial Incentives: NY Engineers can help you qualify for incentive programs from governments and utility companies, which typically cover 60% of project costs. The incentives available vary depending on your location and type of property, but we can ensure you claim all the benefits available.

3) Increased Property Value: The building upgrades proposed after our professional energy audits can generally increase the asset value of your property by around 10%.

4) Whole Building Approach: We design energy upgrades that improve the performance of your entire building, instead of focusing on specific systems and equipment. We can find opportunities for synergy between building systems and achieve greater savings.

5) Improve Your Energy Grade: We can increase the energy grade of NYC buildings under Local Law 33 of 2018, reducing their operating costs and making them more attractive for potential tenants. If the ENERGY STAR certification is available for your building type, we can also help you achieve it.

6) Avoid Carbon Penalties: If your building is subject to a climate mandate such as Local Law 97 of 2019, a Level 2 Energy Audit can help reduce your emissions below the required level. We can identify measures that will keep your building below its emissions cap at optimal cost.

7) Maximize Your ROI: Our expert energy consultants can identify the building upgrades that offer the highest savings per dollar invested. You will know how much you can expect to spend and save with each of the measures proposed.

8) Quick Project Approval: NY Engineers can also design the building upgrades proposed during the energy audit, getting quick approval from your local building department. We have an 80% first-time approval rate, and 50% faster turnaround.

9) Effective Construction Management: NY Engineers goes beyond the energy audit, also offering professional design and construction administration services. After identifying the most effective energy upgrades for your building, we can ensure they are designed as required by local construction codes, getting a quick project approval. We can ensure that all upgrades and measures identified in the energy audit are implemented exactly as designed.

Professional Energy Audit: Our Main Focus Areas

Buildings use many types of interacting systems to create a suitable indoor environment for human occupancy. Under the traditional approach, energy efficiency measures focus on upgrading specific systems and equipment. However, better results are possible when taking a whole-building approach, considering the interactions between different systems.

For example, LED upgrades reduce the heat emission of lighting systems, and this is subtracted from air conditioning loads. In many cases, building upgrades are analyzed independently from each other, without considering their interaction. Depending on how building systems and equipment interact, an isolated analysis may overestimate or underestimate the savings.

All building systems should be considered during an energy audit, but there are specific installations and equipment that tend to have the highest consumption. Energy efficiency measures can also achieve synergy with solar panels and other renewable technologies, achieving two different types of savings:

  • The savings achieved by consuming less energy.
  • The savings achieved by generating your own electricity and relying less on the grid.

The following are some of the main focus areas covered under the scope of our professional energy audits:

HVAC: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems represent over 50% of energy consumption in many residential and commercial areas. However, this also means that HVAC upgrades can achieve considerable savings when designed properly.

Domestic Hot Water: Building codes have water temperature requirements for building owners, and the heating process can consume large amounts of energy, especially in places with cold winters. However, hot water systems often waste energy due to factors like having old equipment or deficient insulation.

Lighting: In many buildings, lighting is the second largest electrical load after air conditioning. An LED upgrade can achieve savings ranging from 30-90%, depending on the lighting type being replaced. Even greater savings are possible when an LED retrofit is combined with smart lighting controls.

EV Charging: When buildings are equipped with electric vehicle chargers, tenants can also reduce their emissions when they’re away. EV chargers can also take advantage of surplus electricity produced by solar panels or other onsite renewable systems.

Solar Roofs: Solar power has become the fastest-growing electricity source in the US, with more than 120 gigawatts installed by the end of 2021. Solar panels can reduce power bills effectively in buildings while qualifying for tax credits and other financial incentives. Renewable generation can also reduce the carbon footprint of your building by replacing electricity from the grid.

Battery Storage: Solar panels and wind turbines have an intermittent power supply, but this problem can be solved by adding energy storage and achieving a clean power supply 24/7. Energy storage can be used to avoid the most expensive kWh prices in buildings subject to time-of-use rates, and also to reduce demand charges.

Demand Response: Many power companies now offer incentives for large buildings who are capable of reducing their consumption on-demand, at times when the grid is burdened with high load. For example, this can be achieved by shifting loads away from peak demand hours with automatic controls or using energy storage to absorb consumption peaks and reduce net demand measured by the power company. NY Engineers can help you claim the benefits offered in demand response programs.

Elevators: The energy performance of elevators can be improved by upgrading them with high-efficiency motors and smart controls. This can also improve their reliability, ensuring safe operation around the clock.

Building Management Systems: Energy efficiency measures can achieve high savings when implemented in insulation. However, when a smart platform coordinates the operation of all equipment and systems, your building can achieve top performance.

The Importance of an Efficient Building Envelope

Many energy upgrades focus on upgrading specific equipment and components, while the performance of the building envelope gets less attention. Even the most efficient HVAC equipment in the market will waste energy if you have a building with deficient insulation or air leakage problems. If you can improve the performance of your building envelope, it can save energy all year long::

  • During winter, the building conserves indoor heat more effectively and space heating costs are reduced.
  • During summer, the building envelope minimizes heat gain from outdoors, reducing air conditioning costs.

Our consulting engineers use tools like thermal imaging and energy modeling to analyze the performance of your building insulation while detecting invisible air leaks. This reduces space heating and air conditioning loads, and you can upgrade to new HVAC units that are not only more efficient but also smaller. By improving your building envelope first, you can avoid the purchase of oversized HVAC equipment.

Building envelope upgrades tend to have a higher cost and longer payback period than other energy efficiency measures. However, a professional engineering firm can help you qualify for financial incentives that greatly reduce project costs. There are also financing programs such as C-PACE, which offer low-interest rates and repayment periods of up to 30 years. Combining these benefits, you can carry out a deep energy retrofit at zero upfront cost, and pay over time with the energy savings achieved. We can design your project so that savings exceed loan payments, which means the upgrade will pay for itself.

Building Energy Efficiency: A Comprehensive Approach

When you get a whole building energy audit from NY Engineers, we focus on energy efficiency measures that are feasible both technically and financially. We can also analyze the environmental impact, calculating the emissions you can avoid with energy efficiency measures.

Our consulting engineers are familiarized with the latest proven technologies in the market, and they can identify the measures that will achieve the highest possible savings in your building.

The environmental impact of your building is directly related to its consumption and the energy sources used. There are now climate mandates like Local Law 79 of 2019, with hefty penalties for buildings with excessive emissions. An energy audit can help you reduce emissions effectively, meeting any climate laws applicable in your city.

We design building energy upgrades that are also financially feasible, offering an attractive return on investment. We can provide a detailed breakdown of the costs and savings associated with each energy efficiency measure, so you can pick an optimal combination.

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Our Process

01/ Incentive Application

Government and utility incentives can greatly reduce the cost of energy upgrades in buildings. However, these programs have complex requirements, since their managers want to make sure that incentives are used for energy upgrades that work. NY Engineers can submit the requirements and paperwork for any government and utility incentives available in your location, ensuring a quick approval.

02/ Incentive Funding

Based on our past experience, government and utility incentive funds are typically approved within two months of the initial application. You will know the exact incentive amounts available for your project within a short time, without being delayed by paperwork and long approval procedures. Our consulting engineers are familiarized with many types of energy incentives and their requirements.

03/ ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Audit

Our consulting team will take the time to analyze all your building systems carefully, identifying the best opportunities to save energy. An ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Audit provides a detailed breakdown of energy consumption for each building system, identifying the best opportunities to save energy and cut emissions.

04/ Energy Audit Report

NY Engineers will send you a report with a detailed description of proposed energy efficiency measures, covering their technical requirements and financial performance. We can effectively communicate the benefits of your energy upgrade, from both a technical and financial standpoint. Our reports are suitable for both technical and non-technical audiences.

05/ Choose the Ideal Building Upgrades

Based on the energy audit report, you can select a combination of building upgrades that meets your savings goal and project budget. Each building is unique, and the same energy efficiency measure can achieve very different results in different properties.

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Our Other Services

Mechanical - HVAC

New York Engineers prepares custom HVAC system solutions tailored to your needs, maximizing energy efficiency and minimizing construction cost.



Today's buildings have more electrical components than ever. From low to high voltage building systems, normal and emergency power, we have your solution.



Our speciality plumbing solutions are designed with efficiency, functionality, and longevity in mind.


Sprinkler Engineering

Our automatic sprinkler system solutions stop flames at the source, decreasing risk of the fire spreading before help arrives.


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