All About Air Handlers In Chicago

Cities like Chicago are known for their humidity during the summer. In fact, the average temperature that Chicago had in summer in the past years was 90 degrees Fahrenheit, according to a report made by the WGN 9 Chicago TV channel. With the heat and humidity that the people must anticipate this season, it is no surprise that almost all the residents have air conditioning systems set up in their homes.
In fact, learning about the basics of air handlers and air conditioning systems have become quite a staple for most citizens so that they can ensure that they get cold air even during the heat.
Here are a few things you might want to know:
What Are Air Handlers and What do They Do?
So what exactly is an air handler and what does it do anyway? Basically, the air handler is a part of the air conditioning system or HVAC system that is used to regulate indoor air. It makes sure that the air indoors is properly passed through the ventilation and heating systems so that it is cleanly circulated back.
Air handlers play a very important part in cleaning up the air and also in saving energy in your system. Air handlers come in the form of a box that has its own air filter, blower, and coil. It also comes with a blower, filters, heater, cooler, and attenuators. The air handler is connected to the vent and helps the air conditioning system with overall air regulation.
What is the Difference Between an Air Handler and an Air Conditioner?
Most people confuse an air handler with an air conditioner. Worse, they sometimes think that an air handler is part of an air conditioner. They are actually pretty different in nature even though they can work together in a single location. To know the difference, you must first know how an air conditioner works.
Most people have the misconception that air conditioners make the air in your room cold. Actually, it sucks in the hot air inside your room leaving only the cold air inside. That is why you always feel cold when your aircon is turned on.
Compared to an air conditioner, an air handler has heating and cooling components which can allow you to directly cool or heat your home. It also has a component known as a blower to regulate the air inside your room. This means that the air handler controls the air as a whole.
An air handler unit is usually found inside the structure or edifice, be it a house or a building, while the air conditioner unit is found outside. The way we see it, the air handler has the ability to both heat up and cool down your home while the air conditioner does not.
The air handler and the air conditioner can work together, though. This is apparent during the cold or winter season. Since the air handler has the ability to heat up your home, it can be connected to a split system air conditioner. Most residents would have air handlers with their air conditioners so that they can feel comfy in both humid and cold kinds of weather.
They especially use this during the colder seasons from November up until January where the temperature can drop up to 16.5 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the State Climatologist Office of Illinois.
Alternatively, there are also some people who connect their air conditioners to gas furnaces instead of air handlers. However, air handlers are seen to be a bit easier to control so they are often used in places like Florida and Illinois.
What Are the Benefits of Using an Air Handler?
Now that you know what an air handler is, how it works, and how it differs from an air conditioner, let us look into the benefits associated with using it. Here are a few that you may want to know of:
- It gives you better air quality
It is no surprise that the air around us is contaminated by a lot of allergens like pollen, pollution, weed, and dust. With good air conditioning, it is possible to decrease the amount of contaminated air since an air handler circulates air consistently.
- It saves you energy
If there is one thing that air handlers can do that other air conditioning units cannot is save energy. A variable air handler, specifically, is a great addition to your air conditioning system. It can heat up or cool the air in your home without using too much energy, saving you money in the process.
- It is quieter than an air conditioner
Since it runs on low power by default, you will not really hear any noise coming from it. It will only power up when you need it to. You just have to change the power settings up a notch to do that.
What Should I Take Note of When Installing an Air Handler in My Home?
When you want to install an air handler in your home, you have to make sure that you get the best installers in Chicago. You may learn the basics of installation and maintenance, but it is always best to get a professional to do the installation and repairs lest you might do something to damage the air handler.
You must also take note of a few rules and regulations regarding air handling devices. One of the specific Chicago regulations you have to follow would be the Environmental Noise and Vibration Control Rules and Regulations of the City of Chicago. This list of rules and regulations seek to control the sound level of air handling units in order to avoid any complaints about noise and unwanted vibration.
All other general rules with regard to the building code and other laws in Illinois will also apply when you own an air handler. Some examples are the Public Health Indoor Air Quality Act or the Tenant Laws with regard to air conditioning systems in buildings or apartments. You can ask your installer about these regulations beforehand. This is why you need to have a really good air handler installer.
Do you want to have an air handler installed inside your home in Chicago? Then, these are some of the things that you have to take note of before you do that. It is really important that you know what the air handler does and how it works so that you know how to work together with the technician if ever there is a need for any repairs and maintenance. You will also know what customizations to make when the professionals do the installation. Thus, this article will give you an overview of the things you should know about air handlers.

Michael Tobias
Michael Tobias, the Founding Principal of NY Engineers, currently leads a team of 50+ MEP/FP engineers and has led over 1,000 projects in the US
All About Air Handlers In Chicago

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