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How To Keep Optimal Working Conditions For Your Project

Ravindra Ambegaonkar
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    If you are a team leader overseeing a project, then you need to make sure that your team’s work conditions are optimal. The better their working conditions are, the more productive they will be, and the faster the project will be completed. However, it is not easy achieving optimal work conditions, as you probably already know. There are many different things that you need to think about, from lighting to proper ventilation.

    This post will explore this topic in more detail, explaining how you can improve (and then maintain) your team’s working conditions.

    Temperature Control

    If your team is working with liquids like tar, grease, or even resin, then these liquids need to be stored inside standardized metal containers, called drums. However, winter’s quickly arriving, and temperatures are dropping. If such liquids freeze, then it could be very problematic for your team. A drum heater is a solution to this problem. It is worth noting that not all drum heaters are designed for preventing freezing, some are just used to decrease a liquid’s viscosity so that it is more easily poured and mixed. According to distributors from https://heatauthority.com/collections/drum-barrel-heaters, drum heaters can also heat gear oil, biofuel, biodiesel, and DEF, as well as melt solids like wax. Moving away from keeping liquids and oils warm and onto your team, if they are working outdoors, then make sure they are given access to heavy coats, gloves, and appropriate winter workwear.

    Proper Lighting

    Lighting is essential. It’s common on worksites for staff to arrive and begin early in the morning. Some staff also stay until late in the evening. The days are getting much shorter, meaning it’s getting darker earlier. If you do not make sure that your site is properly lit, then staff won’t be able to work safely. When working with tools and chemicals, they need to be able to see what they are doing. You can buy freestanding flood lights for your site. Make sure that you buy as many as is needed to light your entire worksite.

    Worksite Ventilation

    If staff is working indoors with chemicals, then there needs to be proper worksite ventilation. A lack of ventilation could lead staff to inhale fumes. Inhaling fumes could then pose a risk to their health. Natural ventilation involves using doors and windows to provide air. When your staff is working with chemicals, however, they need mechanical ventilation, which is when fans are used to move air into (and out of) a room. Mechanical ventilators can be expensive but are a necessary investment since they will protect your staff and keep them from inhaling large amounts of harmful fumes.

    Rain Protection

    If your staff is working outdoors, then you need to protect them from the rain. Storms are becoming a lot more common, due to climate change. Heavy rain can delay your project’s completion. Forcing staff to work in rain could put them at risk, as their visibility will be low, and they could injure themselves with the tools that they are using. Also, if you are pouring liquids or chemicals and it starts raining, then they might not set. Invest in large covers for your site, in order to protect staff and any unset liquids they have poured.

    Safety Regulations

    Any and all worksites need to be compliant with industry safety regulations. Not complying with regulations could lead to your site being shut down. Also, fines and penalties could be issued. The safety regulations you have to adhere to depend upon your industry. The best way to learn about what they are is to reach out to a representative of your industry’s safety body and ask them. Alternatively, you could consult a business lawyer who’s an expert in that area. Adhering to safety regulations keeps your staff and project safe. You should also know that if staff is injured because of your non-compliance, they can take legal action against you.

    Quality Equipment

    Make sure that your staff has access to quality work equipment. Unfortunately, it is very common for team leaders to restrict their team’s access to high-quality gear, in order to save money. However, the better your team’s work equipment is, the faster they will be able to do the job, and the more effective it will be done. You can get discounts when you buy work equipment in bulk. Alternatively, you can buy it second-hand, as long as it’s still in working order and comes with a warranty from the retailer.

    If you want to keep optimal working conditions for your project, then you need to consider all of the points outlined here. Not doing so could lead to your team having to complete tasks in sub-optimal conditions, which could then in turn negatively impact the quality of the work that they do.

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