Building An Eco-Friendly House: 6 Eco-Energy Solutions for Your Home

Michael Tobias
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    Do you realize that residential structures use nearly 22 percent of the electricity produced in the United States annually? If you are a homeowner, you know all too well how expensive maintaining and repairing a property can be. Furthermore, the biggest monthly expense most people have is their energy bill.

    Instead of standing by and letting these costs rise month after month, you need to take action. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to make your home more energy-efficient. While checking to ensure you have the most affordable electricity plans is important, there are better ways to reduce your monthly energy costs.

    The following are just some of the best eco-energy solutions you need to consider adding to your home.

    1. Energy Monitors are a Great Investment

    Are you looking for a way to see if the energy solutions being used in your home are paying off? If so, having an energy monitor is crucial. These monitors are both inexpensive and a great tool for homeowners to have. Modern energy monitors provide you with a minute by minute breakdown of how much energy your home is consuming.

    Getting these monitors installed will require you to clip a transmitter onto the power supply coming into your home. The sensor on this clip will transmit all of the consumption data to the monitor inside of your residence. The more you know about your home’s energy consumption, the easier it will be to pinpoint problems and address them quickly. The initial expense of a power monitor can be recouped in as little as 6 months.

    2. Install a Solar Panel System

    The biggest misconception most homeowners have is that having a solar panel system is too expensive to fit into their budget. In reality, developments in this industry have made solar panels more affordable and accessible than ever before. While the initial cost of one of these systems is a bit much, the money you can save over time will make it worth it.

    Not only can you save money on your energy bill, there are also a number of tax rebates and credits you can take advantage of. Instead of trying to take on the selection and installation of a solar panel system alone, be sure to consult with professionals. Ignoring the need for this professional help can lead to a variety of mistakes being made. A professional can get one of these systems installed quickly and correctly.

    3. Increasing Your Insulation Can Be Helpful

    The best way to find out about the energy waste issues your home has is by performing an in-depth audit. An energy audit will require you to inspect every square inch of your home to ensure drafts and other common problems aren’t present. One of the first places you need to look when trying to perform one of these audits is your attic.

    Modern homes are equipped with lots of insulation in the attic. As time goes by, this insulation may start to deteriorate, which is why replacing it is a must. If you notice that your insulation is looking thin or damaged, replacing it is your best course of action. Nearly 10 percent of the energy a home wastes each year is caused by poor insulation. When trying to choose the right insulation for your home, take some time to look at some online reviews and forums. The information from these online resources can help you make the right decision the first time around.

    4. Solar Water Heaters are a Must

    Getting up and getting ready for work can be a very frustrating process. For most people, getting a hot shower is one of the first things they do after a good night’s sleep. If you are tired of your electric water heater wasting energy, then you need a better and more eco-friendly solution.

    The solar water heater is one of the best investments you can make. Not only will this new water heater help you save money, it will also reduce the amount of time you have to wait to replenish your supply of hot water. Most experts agree that the cost of a solar water heater can be recouped in as little as two years.

    5. Buy a Rainwater Harvesting System




    Most homeowners have often wondered if there is a way to harness the water that fills the gutters on the outside of their home. The best way to accomplish this goal is by investing in a rainwater harvesting system. Not only are these systems cheap, they can also help you collect water to use for irrigation and even toilet flushing. A quality rainwater harvesting system can help you obtain gallons of water in a relatively short amount of time.

    6. New Windows are a Good Idea

    One of the main sources of energy waste in older homes is the windows. As windows age, the seal around them will start to deteriorate. This leads to air being able to escape, which will lead to higher than normal energy bills.

    Fixing this problem is easy if you invest in high-quality double pane windows. These windows are designed to make a home more energy-efficient. Allowing professionals to install these windows is the best way to get them in place quickly and correctly.

    What are You Waiting For?

    Now that you know more about the eco-friendly home additions on the market, it is time to take action. Investing in one or more of these additions can be beneficial. 

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    Tags : insulation clean energy energy efficient windows rainwater harvesting efficient heating solar panels

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