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Landmark Preservation Committee (LPC) Approval Filing and Consultation

Breeze past with speedy LPC approvals for quicker construction.

Expert Guidance

We use our years of experience in landmark projects to show you the right path.

Speedy Filings

Based on your project, you can qualify for expedited approvals.

Unbeatable Success Rate

Most of our filings get approval from the LPC ensuring the execution of your project.

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Fast Track Approvals from the Landmarks Preservation Commission

Landmark building

Do you own a landmark building?

Are you looking to renovate and get construction work done on your landmark building?

A landmark building is a property which has special aesthetic, historical or architectural value to the culture, heritage or development characteristics of the locality. In New York, there are more than 35,000 landmark properties located in 139 historic districts across five boroughs.

The buildings include 1,355 individual landmarks, 117 interior landmarks and 10 scenic landmarks. The Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) grants landmark status to a property after surveying and analyzing the aspects of a building.

Needless to say, you will need a permit from LPC for carrying out any restoration or construction work related to landmark buildings. The same applies to landmark buildings located all across the USA. You need to get clearance from LPC and also the Department of Building (DOB) in some cases.

If you are considering a project involving landmark building, New York Engineers can help you with the LPC permit process. We have helped hundreds of clients successfully file their applications and get approval for their projects.

Will I Need to Get LPC Approval for My Project?


First, you will need to determine if your building is a landmark. The LPC grants landmark status to a building in two ways-

  • Individual landmarks- The LPC grants individual landmark status to individual buildings. The buildings offer historic and cultural legacy. The status is for the individual building only and doesn't affect the neighborhood.
  • Historic districts- The LPC can declare a whole district as landmark district if the buildings in the zone have historical and cultural value. Any new construction in a historic district will need approval from the LPC.

A landmark status means that your building is protected by the LPC. Most engineering and architectural projects will need a permit from LPC. The reason is, it can change the appearance of the landmark building.

It is very easy to find out if your building has landmark status. Visit the website of the DOB and locate your building in the Buildings Information Search page. If you see an "L" in the Landmark field, your building is a landmark building.

If you see a "C" in the status field, it means that your building is currently under review. You will need a permit for both cases.

Some buildings are also National Historic Landmarks (NHL) sites. Others can be part of Registered Historic Places (NRHP). You will need a permit for all such cases even if you don't need approval from the DOB.

New York Engineers can help you determine if you need a permit for your construction work and even file it on your behalf. You don't need to move a muscle- we will assess the details of your building and tell you if you need to file for approval.

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Do You need to Apply for LPC Permit?



Which Types of Project Will Need Approval from LPC?

Any work done on a landmark building will need a permit from the LPC. You will also need a permit if your building is located in historic districts. For example, you will need a permit for repairing or replacing your windows if your building has a landmark status.

In simple words, any work that affects the appearance of the building will need a permit. You can go ahead without a permit only in two cases :

  • You don't need a permit for minor restoration and repair work. For example, changing the glass of a window or painting a wall with the same color will not need a permit. But if you want to change the window type, you need LPC approval.
  • Your work will not need a permit if the building appearance is not affected. This applies to building improvement projects such as caulking doors and windows. If the appearance of the building changes in any way, you will need a permit.

Any work involving the exterior of the building will need an approval from LPC. The work may have the least visible effects, but you will still need a permit. The same applies to individual landmarks and buildings located in a Landmark Preservation District. The agencies will review the work and can even ask you for more information.

Depending on your case, your project may also need a public hearing. Any exterior work will need approval from LPC who will analyze the scope of work. You may also have to submit a full set of plans as per the DOB requirements.

Your application will also need other information such as current and proposed photographs, material samples, paint samples, mockups, machinery details, landmark filing forms and so on.

New York Engineers have years of experience working on landmark buildings. We can help you advise and arrange the items needed for filing your approval. We can help you file both interior applications and exterior applications in a manner to get approval successfully.

What are the Different Types of Applications I will Need?


Your scope of work will decide which type of application you need to file. The amount of change involved in your work will help you decide which permit to file. New York Engineers can help you with the filing process and help you file the right application.

Generally, there are three types of applications :

  1. Certificate of No Effect (CNE)

The work doesn't affect the appearance of the landmark building. The LPC approves CNE permits within 30 business days of filing the permit.

  1. Permit for Minor Work (PMW)

The work makes some changes to the landmark building but doesn't need a permit from the DOB. You can expect to get approval within 20 days of filing the permit.

  1. Certificate of Appropriateness (C of A)

The work involves a considerable change in the landmark building. You will need to appear in a public hearing for getting approval. It can take 90 days or more to get approval.

You will need to consider many nuances before filing your permit. First, you need to select the right type of permit based on the scope of your work. You will also need to include a master plan in some cases. The master plan also needs approval from the LPC and contains drawings and other documents.

The LPC can also demand additional material or clarification before granting approval. Often it is tiresome to deal with the LPC and the process can take a lot of time. New York Engineers can be your ideal partner and help you with the entire approval process.

We will gather all information, make master plans, arrange photographs, sample materials and submit them to the LPC. Our team of experienced professionals will also provide any extra clarification or documentation requested by the LPC. You don't even need to lift a finger!

New York Engineers Help You Expedite Your Approval Process

We can help you get approvals quickly from the LPC using application expedition process. You can take advantage of two types of expedited application processes if your work meets LPC requirements. We ensure that your application is feasible and under the guidelines so that you can apply for quick approvals.

Our team can assist with the following :

  1. Expedited Certificate of No Effect (XCNE)

We enable you to get approval in 10 business days by meeting all CNE requirements. The work includes interior changes above the second story of your building. Your building shouldn't be an interior landmark and no work on the ground floor is involved.

We may also limit changes to exterior windows or walls so that you can get quick approval from the LPC.

  1. FasTrack

Do you want to get approval from the LPC in just 10 business days? We can help you clear the approval process in a short time based on the nature of your work. You can apply for fast-tracking of your approval if the work involves only interior alterations.

Expedited applications are also available for any work that doesn't result in visible changes. This applies to work related to windows, decks, skylights, HVAC and so on. We can help you plan your work in such a way that there is a minimal visual alteration to your building and its elements. 

New York Engineers have helped clients file expedited permits with the LPC successfully for many decades. We help you with designing the architecture of your project in a way so that you can get through the approval process with less hassles.

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Solid Advice to Sail Past LPC Hearings



Get Help With LPC Public Hearing Process

The LPC may ask you to appear in a public hearing if the work involves major alterations. Any work that falls outside the Landmarks Preservation Commission Rules and Guidelines will need a public hearing. The same also applies to work that alters the historical nature of the building. You will also need a public hearing if the change is visible from outside.

Appearing in a public hearing needs a lot of preparation. You will need to prepare a PowerPoint presentation or presentation boards and submit them to the local community board. A notice informing about the public hearing will need to be placed.

Our team of engineers will present all the details and submit the design to the LPC. We will appear in the public hearing and defend your design. Our engineers also know how to plan and carry out construction work which may not need a public hearing.

We can also make necessary changes so that your work is sanctioned at the public hearing. Our team has dealt with many public hearings over the years. We know how to set up an effective public hearing process so that your plans are approved without any problems.

If you want to quickly get your plans approved and defend your design, New York Engineers can be your ideal partner.

New York Engineers can Resolve LPC Violations Successfully


You may get a violation notice from the LPC if the work doesn't meet the rules and guidelines. Any violation means that you will not get approval for additional LPC permits. The DOB will also stop the approval of any permit that you need for your work.

You cannot go ahead with any renovation or construction unless you have dismissed the violation put by the LPC. New York Engineers can help you get past violations successfully in a number of ways. We will choose an approach that is suitable for your case and help you defend your work or design.

One way we can help you dismiss a violation is by applying for the legalization of the unapproved work. Our team of architects will present the work in such a manner that it qualifies under the rules and guidelines of the LPC.

Another way to dismiss violations is to remove the work which caused the violation. You will need to restore your property to the original condition before the work was done. We can help you remove the work that caused the violation and restore your property to the original condition. Consequently, the LPC will lift the violation and give a go ahead for other projects.

We will also post an escrow with the LPC so that you can gain approval for the current work. We will oversee and manage the entire legalization process so that you don't need to worry about a thing!


Adept Consultation and Guidance with Landmarks Preservation Committee Approval

If you need an approval from the LPC, New York Engineers is here to help you out! We provide assistance with filing your permit and arranging all the necessary documentations and materials. You just need to sign the permit, while we take care of the rest of the process.

We will handle all clarifications from the LPC and provide additional information so that you get your approval. Our team is also adept in resolving violations and public hearings in your favor. We will arrange all the evidence required and defend your case in front of the commissioners.

New York Engineers can help you get approvals for a variety of projects from the LPC. We coordinate with the LPC of all states and enable you to carry out the construction or renovation work.

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