Fire Command Station

Get NY Engineers to set up a fire command station for your area in order to stay safe and alert in the case of emergencies.

High Versatility

NY Engineers provide fire command stations that are highly versatile as they are equipped with modern methods of putting out the fire. If your staff is trained in a particular method then you don’t need to worry about having the resources for applying that method with our fire command stations.


NY Engineers aim to target a market that is international. We also aim to cater to a group of diverse people. For this reason, our fire command stations feature a user interface which is multi-lingual and provides ease for people who can speak different languages.

Highly Compatible 

We always make sure that all of our fire command stations are highly compatible with all kinds of buildings and other security systems. Our smart artificial intelligence modules installed in fire command stations integrate themselves into the other systems.

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Fire Alarm System

What is Fire Alarm System

Fire Command Stations are made for providing safety to the people. One of the ways it achieves safety in places is to make use of effective fire alarm systems. The fire alarm systems are a major part of the fire command stations as they are the first systems to get triggered in case of an emergency.

The Fire Alarm Systems provided by NY Engineers in their Fire Command is compatible as well as versatile. These alarm systems are integrated into the central alarm system of the building. This saves you cost and also saves time if you’re on a tight schedule to secure everything. The engineers will survey the building for the alarm systems. They will then figure out whether the integration is possible and if it is compatible.

If the building does not have a dedicated alarm system, then NY Engineers can also provide a dedicated alarm system within the building as well. The costing will increase if this is the case; however, this is very necessary and important for evacuations. The alarm system will be installed first within the building. The architects will have to cooperate with the engineers as they might need the proper blueprints for the building and for each floor. After the survey is completed, a detailed proposal will be put forward to you. This detailed proposal will factor in several factors such as person density in each area as well as cost and time.

The Fire Alarm System is a crucial part because it is essential for evacuation. This system is supposed to be carefully planned and installed so that evacuation is easy and quick.

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guidelines to follow for fire alarm systems

Audible alerts

Audible sounds

Audibility is one of the most important aspects of the fire command stations as there need to be clear cut sounds when an emergency occurs. Not only the fire alarms, but the communication systems also need to be very loud. This is because when there is an emergency, people tend to panic and create a lot of noise which may drown the alarms initiated by the fire command stations. Not only can this, sometimes, the sound of objects burning and sometimes bursting also hamper the loudness of the fire alarms.

NY Engineers make sure that all the alarms installed inside the building can generate a fire alarm signal of a power up to 70 dB. Our engineers measure this sound level at a height of 5 feet above the ground so that maximum intensity can be maintained and assured. This standard should be followed for the general office space and foyers.

For other areas, our engineers recommend that the sound should be 15dB. Our engineers measure these sound about 7 feet above the ground. Our engineers also recommend that the alarm should be at least 5dB above any other alarm sounds in the environment.

The location and placement design required for the alarms will be facilitated for the building according to the SPFE rulebook for the building or residence. The audible notification appliances shall be configured according to the SPFE standard as well. This standard will help the engineers to calculate the sound attenuation through doors, walls and other obstacles. This is done so that maximum propagation can be guaranteed. This is also done so that the sound can travel from room to room in order to be amplified.

Wherever the communication systems are provided, our engineers will make sure to provide an automatic evacuation message which can be broadcast to all the speakers in the building to ensure everyone knows that an evacuation is in process. However, elevators and staircases will not have an automatic message broadcast, but instead; a manual announcement must be made on the speakers.

Visual Notifications

Visual alert

NY Engineers only install and configure visual notifications in case of new installations and not up gradations or integrations. This is because our visual notifications are made specifically to cater to emergencies. These visual notifications are also made on special software for a special kind of screen which is made to be impervious to any kind of heat or smoke.

If visual notifications will be installed in the building, then they will only be installed in places where it can be viewed easily. It will not be installed in places such as individual offices or rooms where hardly anyone can see them. This is for your benefit as it will reduce costs and make for more efficient visual notifications. Public and common areas include restrooms, conference rooms, general office area, parking lots, corridors, and foyers.

NY Engineers also cater to the disabled people working in buildings and even residing in some. For this reason, the visual notification circuits are optimized to notify the deaf, mute and other kinds of disabled people so they are not left behind and so they are aware of it all.

Smoke detectors

Smoke detectors

Smoke detectors are also another important part of fire command stations as they provide warning before the fire even starts. These are important for preventing fires from growing or even happening at all. The smoke detectors are provided by NY Engineers. These smoke detectors are selected specially to feature long-range detection ranges as well as loud sound notifications.

These smoke detectors are installed according to the international building code.

The smoke detectors are installed in the following rooms of the buildings:

  • Electrical room
  • Security room
  • Mechanical equipment room
  • Garage
  • Generator rooms
  • Uninterruptible power supply rooms

These rooms are the most critical and are most liable to fire. NY Engineers will install all of the smoke detectors in the rooms most critical and most liable to fire. The engineers will also test the smoke detectors vigorously after installation. Smoke detectors can be controlled from the fire command station which provides an effective centralized way to control all the components.

Fire Drill Systems


Fire Drill Systems are essential for training against any mishap as it is an effective simulation and provides a way to curb any future emergencies. The Fire Drill System is embedded in the fire command station. The administrator may log in to the fire command system and initiate a fire drill system. This can also be done by any person or user authorized by the administrator to initiate the fire drill.

The security system on the fire command system is foolproof and it only allows authorized personnel to start the fire drill system otherwise any false alarms may create a sense of non-serious behavior in people.

The fire drill system includes comprehensive options to start a fire drill where you can choose the kind f fire drill and then start it. You can also choose the targeted number of people. This will help you set it accordingly.

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Power Settings

Supplying power to the fire command station can be a problem because the power supply for the entire building may be the cause of the fire. This is why we highly recommend our clients to have the fire command center either attached to the emergency generator systems. Or in other cases, we suggest connecting them to dedicated generator systems which will help them run.

NY Engineers also provide generators to clients. We can arrange to have a generator installed for your building or residence so that it can effectively power up the fire command station. This fire command station will then be connected to the emergency generator which will be put on standby mode.

We also recommend getting batteries installed in the building and then connected to the fire command station. This is because sometimes the emergency generator systems also get burned or corrupted and fails to start up the whole system. For this purpose, it is better to have a large battery or collection of batteries installed and connected.

NY Engineers provide batteries from a third-party source; however, we also make sure that these batteries are fully tested by our team of skilled engineers. These batteries are tested and made to be fully functional and kick in once the emergency generators fail. The battery is stored in another room where it is kept in special conditions in order to make sure that the batteries do not get all ruined.

Wiring and connections

Fire is a dangerous situation and it can burn down rubber and all other kinds of equipment as well. Most electrical wiring is done with copper which is sheathed by rubber insulation. While this is adequate in most situations where the fire is usually not a risk or even a problem, this is definitely not the best way to go.

NY Engineers also offer services to replace any sort of the previous wiring with new and improved wiring which is impervious to fire. This is optional and will add a preservation value for the electronics and electrical connections in the building.

But, our team of engineers will always make sure to put up wires and connections to the fire command station and all other subsystems which it is connected to. These wires will be made to be fireproof and impervious to heat and any other kind of complication. So you can rest assured that all of your safety systems will work regardless of the situation at hand.

Maintenance and Testing

In order to make sure that all of your fire command station equipment is working and up to the standard, our team of highly skilled engineers visits the building every 6 months. This maintenance is important because your fire command system may develop faults or errors over time which can be a huge problem for you to deal with. This is also dangerous when you are faced with a real emergency and your fire command station then gives away.

Our maintenance teams check each and every aspect of the fire command station. This includes the subsystem installed in it as well as the wiring, the power sources and the integration. This is done through rigorous testing methods and procedures which our engineers perform. This may take a full week or even two weeks to fully test out. This depends on the kind of building and the kind of fire command station installed.

As an alternative, our team of engineers and experts can also train your employees to perform the maintenance and testing procedures themselves, however, this is a lengthy process and costs more. This is also not as efficient as having our own engineers and experts to carry out.

Why choose NYE?

NY Engineers is a highly responsible and well-reputed organization which aims to provide the best services to you. Our team of highly skilled workers, technicians and engineers will make sure that your systems are up and running. We will make sure that you choose a plan which is fitting your budget.

You can rest assured that we will always aim to provide you with cheaper, better and more advanced alternative according to your needs and budget. Our fire command stations are efficient as well as safe because they are protected in every way to defend you against fire or any other mishap that may occur.

Our nurse call systems use state of the art technology. These systems are configured and then calibrated by our expert engineers. We also perform maintenance every 6 months or so in order to make sure that the system is up and running properly.

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